Good luck to all the runners this weekend.
The studio will be closed from this Friday 6th - Tuesday 10th September, as I’m off up to Glasgow, then onto the Lakes for a couple of days. So I’m afraid I’ll be closed for this weekend’s Great North Run. If you need any artwork, make sure to pop in today or tomorrow, otherwise I’ll be back in on Wednesday 11th.
Good luck to all the runners this weekend.
Upturned Boats - Jim Edwards
Latest painting, acrylic on canvas, 50x50cm (image size), white floating frame (54x54x3cm) Finished this one of Holy Island just in time, before I head off for a week up the Northumberland Coast. So I’m afraid I won’t be in from tomorrow. Back in the Studio 30th July. If you need any artwork, last minute, I’m in till 4pm. At a stretch, tomorrow morning, by appointment. Otherwise, I’ll see you when I get back. #holyisland #lindisfarne #northumberlandcoast #northumberland Summer Road to Bamburgh - Jim Edwards
It’s scorchio out there, glad to see the Summer’s made an appearance. Hope this weather keeps up till next week, as I’m off up the Bamburgh on Saturday. Whilst I’m away, the Studio & Gallery will be Closed from this Saturday 20th - Saturday 27th July. Sorry for any inconvenience. If you need any artwork, make sure to pop in to 57 Lime Street by Friday. Alnmouth - Jim Edwards
Heading up to Alnmouth today, staying Shoreside Huts for a couple of days. A great starting point for some walking up the Northumberland Coast. The studio & gallery will be closed today & tomorrow. Sorry for any inconvenience. On a plus, I’ll be open next weekend, 13th & 14th July, for the Ouseburn Festival. Low Newton to Dunstanburgh - Jim Edwards
The Studio & Gallery will be closed this Friday 5th & Saturday 6th July, as I’m off up the Northumberland Coast for the weekend. If you wanted to pop in and purchase any artwork, including this limited edition print of Low Newton to Dunstanburgh, I’ll be in today, Wednesday & Thursday. Red Tyne - Jim Edwards
Latest commission, finished just in time for the weekend. Unfortunately, I won’t be open tomorrow, Saturday 25th May. Sorry about that. If you need to purchase a painting or print for this weekend, do get in touch, as I might be able to sort something out. Otherwise, I’ll be back in on Tuesday. Seaton Sluice II - Jim Edwards
The studio’s closed today, Wednesday, 24th April. I’m a little under the weather, and keeping an eye on the other half with her broken ankle. I may be in Thursday & Friday, probably best to message first to check I’ll be open. Thanks In the meantime, here’s one of my limited edition prints of Seaton Sluice II. In need of some warm tones on a cold day like this. #seatonsluice #seatonsluicebeach #seatonsluiceharbour #whitleybay #blyth #northtyneside #painting #jimedwards #artist #art #limitededitionprint Latest painting of Hexham Abbey, acrylic on wood panel, 70x70cm. It still needs to be prepared for print, varnished & framed, but it should be on the gallery wall next week. Limited edition prints the week after.
I should also have another Hexham painting finished then too. Quick reminder, I’m in today till 2pm, if you wanted to visit. #hexham #hexhamabbey #tynevalley #northumberland #painting #artist #jimedwards Back to usual opening hours in the studio, although I’ll be closed on Thursday. Spent the day removing Christmas from the studio.
Signing the first print of the new year, signature now accompanied by ‘24.
![]() Back in the Studio, feeling a bit worse for wear, following a weekend in Wales. A flying visit for my brother's 40th Birthday. Here's a painting I did for him, 'Orion Over Dwyryd Estuary'. A little reminder of our childhood home, taking in the viewpoint we used to walk the dog late at night, just so we could have a sneaky cigarette. The Dwyryd Estuary is situated in Snowdonia, right next to Portmeirion, which you cant make out in this picture, hidden by trees in the middle ground. We used to live just above 'The Village'. Anyhow, back in the studio, 2 day hangover finally cleared. Much work to be done... I won't be in the Gallery tomorrow (Friday) or Saturday, as I'm off to Wales for the weekend.
I'll be back at my 59 Lime Street Studio Gallery from Tuesday. Thanks I came across a brief time lapse I made, skimming through my third commission sketchbooks, and I thought I would share it. It's crudely done, but I'm hoping to document all my sketchbooks over the coming months, which I'll share on my website. I always talk about how crucial sketchbooks are to my working practice, helping to refine an idea. From a rough thumbnail sketch to a refined commission biro drawing. The first thumbnail sketches aid the ideas process, problem solving, working out basic compositions. If I'm working on a commission for someone, I'll take the sketches a stage further, mainly to give a clearer impression to the client of the proposed ideas, more than I could achieve with a basic thumbnail sketch. The biro drawing also help me work out the tonal balance of the image, before I commit to the finalised painting. Happy New Year Everyone! I'm back at my 59 Lime Street Studio Gallery, after the Christmas break. I'll be in today till 4.30pm, if you were after any paintings, prints or greetings cards. This painting of Red Quayside was meant to have been finished before Christmas, but it's taken till now. The first painting of 2016.
Last day in the studio before I become a professional mince pie scoffer. Plenty of painting, limited edition prints, small biro prints, and beer by Newcastle Brewing Ltd.
Pop along for any last minute Christmas presents. Thanks. Finished framing a few small biro sketch prints, ready for my last day in the 59 Lime Street Studio Gallery, before I finish for Christmas. I just need to hang them now. Pop in if you want to buy one, £30 each. I'm expecting them all to go over the weekend, but I'll be getting some more made up in January.
There's also a gallery full of paintings and limited edition prints, and beer by Newcastle Brewing Ltd. plenty on offer. Saturday 19th December, 11am - 4.30pm Jim Edwards Studio Gallery, 59 Lime Street, Ouseburn, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 2PQ Latest commission of Whitley Bay, left the studio yesterday. I'm currently working on another painting of St Mary's Lighthouse (2nd biro sketch)
As this Saturday 19th December will be the last day my Studio Gallery will be open, this year, I thought I'd make an event of it. I'll be selling my latest paintings and prints, as well as a limited number of small biro sketch prints. And I'll also be joined by Newcastle Brewing Ltd. who'll be selling their beer alongside my artwork. Which is apt, as they use my images on their beer labels. The local brewery is run by Mike and Leo Bell, who just so happen to be my father...-in-law and brother-in-law. They'll have some brand new beers for Christmas, including: Satsuma IPA, Vanilla Rum Porter, and Saison Barillas - a collaboration with Ouseburn Coffee Company.
Jim Edwards Studio Gallery 59 Lime Street Ouseburn Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 2PQ Saturday 19th December, 11am - 4.30pm A few photos from this years Ouseburn Open Studios. A big thank you to anyone who came to my Studio Gallery at 59 Lime Street. An even bigger thanks to those who bought a painting or limited edition print, you made my day.
As November comes to an end, I've finally finished a personal sketchbook project I began at the start of the month. 30 Days of November, to produce a biro drawing for a every day of the month. And treat it as a departure from my cityscape / landscape work, and instead get lost in abstract forms. Drawing is such an integral part of my working practice, helping to refine an idea, from the initial thumbnail sketch to the realised painting. Aside from my biro drawing of cityscapes and landscapes, the majority of my sketchbooks are full of thumbnail sketches of abstract forms. For this project I wanted to take these crude abstract doodles a stage further, refining them in a larger format, giving more attention to structure and tonal contrast. Here are the 30 sketches It's just a bit of rain, don't let it put you off coming down to The Ouseburn Open Studios. It's the last day today, and I'll be in my Studio Gallery at 59 Lime Street till 5pm. Hope you can make it.
The image is 'Low Newton to Dunstanburgh', available as a limited edition print. £230 mounted / £310 framed |
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